12 Chinese Idioms to Describe the Weather

June 07, 2020

Chinese idioms are a great way to take your Chinese skill up a notch. They can be used as a more fun and creative way to talk about anything, including the weather.

So in this blog, we will review some basic Chinese words for describing the weather, then explain the meaning and uses of twelve common sayings to describe the weather, whether it be hot, cold, windy, snowy, or rainy!

Let’s dive in!

Useful Chinese words about the weather

Here are some basic Chinese vocabulary related to the weather.

Chinese Pinyin English
yáng the sun
yún clouds
the rain
fēng the wind
沙尘 shā chén sandstorm
晴天 qíngtiān clear skies, clear day
阴天 yīn tiān cloudy, overcast day
天气预报 tiānqì yùbào weather forecast

Now that the know the basic stuff, let's look at some creative ways to describe the weather using Chinese idioms!

Chinese idioms for the summer

1. 骄阳似火 jiāo yáng sì huǒ "the scorching sun"

This Chinese idiom describes the moments when the sun is burning like fire on a swelteringly hot summer day.

Chinese Pinyin English
骄阳 jiāo yáng scorching sun
似火 sì huǒ like fire

Example Sentence

Jiāoyáng sì huǒ de xiàwǔ, gōngyuán lǐ yóukè hěn shǎo.
On afternoons that are sweltering hot, there are very few visitors in the park.

2. 烈日炎炎 liè rì yán yán "The swelteringly hot day"

This Chinese idiom describes the hot summer days with very intense sunshine.

Chinese Pinyin English
烈日 liè rì scorching sun
炎炎 yán yán sweltering/scorching

Example Sentence

Zài zhè lièrì yányán de tiānqì lǐ, nǐ hái yào qù páshān ma?
On a swelteringly hot day like this, you still want to go hiking?

3. 挥汗如雨 huī hàn rú yǔ"Sweat like rain"

This Chinese idiom describes the times when you are sweating a lot. When you wipe your head, it’s as if it is raining. It references the days when you sweat a lot because of the heat.

Chinese Pinyin English
huī scatter
hán sweat
如雨 rú yǔ like rain

Example Sentence

Lièrì xià, māmā zài tiándì lǐ huīhànrúyǔ de láodòngzhe.
Under the scorching sun, my mother is in the field working with sweat dripping like the rain.

4. 绿树成荫 lǜ shù chéng yīn "Green trees providing shade"

This Chinese idiom describes a tree that is densely packed with leaves, covering the sun.

Chinese Pinyin English
绿树 lǜ shù Green trees
成荫 chéng yìn leafy shade

Example Sentence

Xià rì, suīrán jiāoyáng sì huǒ, què lǜ shù chéng yīn.
In the summer, even though the sun is scorching, the trees still provide shade.

5. 万里无云 wàn lǐ wú yún "No clouds for ten thousand kilometers"

This Chinese idiom describes a beautiful day with a clear sky and not a cloud in sight.

Chinese Pinyin English
万里 wàn lǐ ten thousand kilometers
无云 wú yún cloudless

Example Sentence

Nà shì yīgè xīngqíwǔ de xiàwǔ, tiānkōng wànlǐ wú yún.
It was a Friday afternoon and there wasn't a cloud in the sky.

6. 阳光普照 yáng guāng pǔ zhào "the shining sunlight covers the entire land"

This Chinese idiom describes the bright and sunny days when everything is sun-drenched and everyone breaks out their favorite sunglasses.

Chinese Pinyin English
阳光 yáng guāng the sunlight
普照 pǔ zhào illuminates everything

Example Sentence

Wàimiàn yángguāng pǔzhào, wǒmen qù yóuyǒng ba.
It's sunny outside, let's go swimming.

7. 微风习习 wéi fēng xí xí "A breeze blows gently"

This Chinese idiom describes a gentle breeze that feels pleasant.

Chinese Pinyin English
微风 wéi fēng a small wind
习习 xí xí to gently blow

Example Sentence

Jīntiān wéifēng xíxí, nuǎn yángyáng de, zhēn shūfú.
It's breezy and warm today, so comfortable.

Chinese idioms for the winter

8. 寒风刺骨 hán fēng cì gǔ "the cold wind cuts through one's bones"

This Chinese idiom describes painfully cold weather that chills to the bones.

Chinese Pinyin English
寒风 hán fēng cold wind
刺骨 cì gǔ cuts through the bones

Example Sentence

Wàimiàn hán fēng cìgǔ, nǐ háishì chuān shàng dàyī ba.
It's bitterly cold outside, you'd better put on your coat.

9. 阴雨绵绵 yīn yǔ mián mián "continuously gloomy and rainy"

This Chinese idiom describes gloomy and rainy days that extends over a long period.

Chinese Pinyin English
阴雨 yīn yǔ cloudy and rainy
绵绵 mián mián continuous

Example Sentence

Liù yuè de jiāngnán, yīnyǔ miánmián, kōngqì shīrùn.
In June in the south of the Yangtze River, it is rainy and humid.

10. 倾盆大雨 qīng pén dà yǔ "a heavy downpour"

This Chinese idiom describes a heavy rainfall, similar to "it’s raining cats and dogs" in Chinese.

Chinese Pinyin English
倾盆 qīng pén downpour
大雨 dà yǔ heavy rain

Example Sentence

Tā dǐngzhe qīngpén dàyǔ zǒulù huí jiā.
He walked home in the pouring rain.

11. 天寒地冻 tiān hán dì dòng "The weather is so cold that the ground is frozen"

This Chinese idiom describes a freezing cold day.

Chinese Pinyin English
天寒 tiān hán cold weather
地冻 dì dòng frozen ground

Example Sentence

Tāmen bèi pò zài hùwài tiān hán dì dòng de huánjìng xià gōngzuò.
They were forced to work outside in freezing temperatures.

12. 大雪纷飞 dà xuě fēn fēi "a heavy snowfall"

This Chinese idiom describes extremely snowy days when snowflakes blankets the ground.

Chinese Pinyin English
大雪 dà xuě heavy snow
纷飞 fēn fēi swirl in the air

Example Sentence

Zài dōngjì dàxuě fēnfēi de yītiān, māmā shēng xiàle nǐ.
On a snowy day in winter, your mother gave birth to you.

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