Chinese Idiom Explained: 滥竽充数

August 01, 2022

The popular Chinese idiom "滥竽充数" (làn yú chōng shù) can be roughly translated as “masquerading” in English.

In this blog, we will share with you both the Chinese and the English versions of the story behind the idiom "滥竽充数" (làn yú chōng shù), what it means, as well as how to use it in a sentence.

Let’s dive in!

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有个名叫南郭的人听说了,觉得是个赚钱的好机会,就跟国君说:“我吹竽的技术好极了,我希望把我的绝技献给您。” 国君听了很高兴,不加考察,就录取了他。

Once upon a time, there was a monarch who loved listening to the flute. The monarch even employed 300 musicians to play for him. He loved a lively atmosphere and often called on his 300 musicians to perform.

There was a man named Nan Guo who heard about the monarch’s musicians and thought it was an excellent chance to earn money. He approached the monarch and said: ‘I can play the flute really well; I wish to share my unique talent with you.’ The monarch was so happy to hear this and hired him on the spot, without an audition.



In fact, Nan Guo did not know how to play the flute. Whenever he performed with the other musicians, he just held the flute up and mimicked the others' actions and acted as if the music enthralled him. He relied on deceit to get by, getting paid good money for nothing, and was quite pleased with himself.

But his success was short-lived. After a few years, the monarch passed away, and his son took the throne. The son also loved the flute, but he only liked to hear soloists. He invited all the 300 musicians to come and play individually. Nan Guo heard this and panicked. He thought about it and realized the charade was over. In the dead of the night, he packed up his things and sneaked away.

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这个故事告诉人们: 没有真本领,靠弄虚作假终会露出马脚。 This story tells us: If you rely on deceit and lies to get ahead, you’ll eventually get found out.

làn (Inconsistent with facts; a fake)

滥lan fake

(A traditional Chinese instrument)


chōng(To fill)/ 冒充 *mào chōng (Pretending to be)

冒充 maochong pretending to be-滥竽充数

shù (Number)

数 shu-numbers


This idiom describes the type of person who pretends to have talent just to get ahead or who takes advantage of others. Sometimes they even boast about themselves.

例句 (Example Sentences)

Shàng yīnyuè kèshí, xiǎomíng bù huì chàng zhè shǒu gē, hái gēnzhe dàjiā lànyúchōngshù.
In music class, Xiao Ming doesn’t know the song but still pretends that he does.

Mǎile yī xiāng júzi, huí jiā què fāxiàn lǐmiàn yǒu hǎoduō huài júzi. Zhēnshi lànyúchōngshù! (Zhǐ yǐ cì chōng hǎo)
I bought a whole case of oranges, but I realized there was a rotten one when I got home. This one fooled me! (meaning – throwing in a bad product to make up a whole)

Měi dāng méitǐ kuā huǒjiàn duì méiyǒu yáomíng bùxíng shí, tā zǒng shuō zìjǐ bùguò shì lànyúchōngshù bàle. (Zhǐ qiānxū)
Every time the media praises The Houston Rockets, saying that they would be nowhere without Yaoming, he always says that he is bolstered by his team. (meaning – modesty)

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How would you use the idiom? Do you have an idiom you'd like us to explain?

About the Author

Zhao Laoshi

Hainan Normal University graduate; Previously taught Chinese in Indonesia. Zhao laoshi is loved for her friendly attitude in class.